Wayne Dahl, PE, PLS has over 40 years of experience in water resources projects, including conveyance and water storage facilities. He has expertise in the design and construction of water distribution systems; hydrology and drainage projects; canals, canal lining, channels, pipelines, and pump stations; reservoir design; and bridges and roadways. He is experienced in all phases of project and program implementation, including planning, design, plans and specifications, costing, bidding, and construction management. Wayne was the Project Manager for the All-American Canal Lining Project and the Coachella Canal Lining Project.
Dahl Consultants is comprised of experienced water professionals who are committed to working for our clients on projects requiring a higher level of strategic direction and focus. Additionally, we have alliances with a select group of consultants with expertise in hydraulics, system operation, environmental, electrical, sediment transport, construction, construction engineering, cost estimating, structural, and strategic planning.
John Dahl, has nearly 35 years of experience in construction management and cost estimating of pipelines, pumping plants, canals, levees, fish screens, spreading basins, and regulating reservoirs. His responsibilities have included reviewing plans and specifications prior to bidding, reviewing contractor bid documents, project coordination with clients and contractors, construction quality assurance, construction cost control and scheduling, and preparing monthly progress payments and reports. He is also responsible for preparing operation and maintenance manuals, record drawings, and final reports of construction. John provided construction management for the Coachella Canal Lining Project and the Stored Water Recovery Project for Semitropic Water Storage District.